The good news is: there are some worthy movie-related jewelry lines that are set to debut this fall – some from hip, high-end designers that usually only the chosen few can afford.
First, the no-brainer. Nordstrom is launching a Twilight: New Moon clothing and accessory line in October – one month before the entire tween population bum-rushes a movie theater near them for the movie's release.
“I love Edward” and “I love Jacob” heart pendants and charm bracelets featuring film-related icons are just some of the silver and gold-plated offerings. Prices will be right in line with the youngster budget.
A not-so-obvious jewelry line comes to us from the mind of hipster designer, Pamela Love, who was tapped to create jewels inspired by the film, Where the Wild Things Are. Known for her goth style (crow heads, claws and bones are just a few of her inspirations), the 27-year-old worked with director, Spike Jonze to create the pieces that will be available soon through hipster clothing outlet, Opening Ceremony.
And finally, a taste of couture. Tom Binns, known for his avant-garde design style and for adorning our First Lady with eye-catching statement necklaces, is working with Disney to create high-end jewelry inspired by Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.
The 35-piece line has price points that are considerably less than the normal Binns piece ($100 - $500 available in department stores) with six pieces retailing from $1,000 - $2,000 (sold in luxury boutiques). The Tom Binns for Walt Disney signature line will, like the movie, debut in Spring 2010.
So for jewelry hounds and movie buffs (and I openly put myself in both categories), there is no shortage of suited folks in the studio system who understand our passions. Have any of you ever purchased jewelry inspired by a movie? If not, would you? And which movie? Weigh in!